
Hey there, thanks for visiting my website! Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I grew up and spent most of my life in Los Angeles, California, and also lived in New York City, where I’ve experienced some of the best food and culture in the world. Now, I live in Portland, roaming through pristine wilderness and enjoying the innovative landscape that this city’s food scene has to offer.

I’ve crafted narrative features with original photography for publications across the United States, and I currently specialize in copywriting and editorial work. I previously served as the digital editor-in-chief at Barista Magazine for three years, and am currently an associate editor at Imbibe Magazine. I also love to travel. I’ve been through Asia, Europe, Latin America, and too many state and national parks to count on both East and West Coasts. If I’m not writing or editing, I’m likely cooking at home, kayaking, or learning new skills and hobbies.